Batch 22 Bakery - Cupertino, CA


matcha shortbread cookie

pumpkin spice pudge cookie

gourmet chocolate chip cookie

gourmet chocolate chip cookie, matcha shortbread, pumpkin spice pudge

Batch 22 Bakery is a local business that sells one of the best cookies I’ve ever had 🀩

πŸͺ Pumpkin spice pudge with cheesecake filling
πŸͺ Matcha shortbread
πŸͺ Gourmet chocolate chip

All of the cookies were so fun and had such a deep flavor profile! My favorite was def the pumpkin spice pudge. 🀩I usually don’t like it when desserts are overwhelmingly sweet and heavy — the pudge was huge and thicc but I was surprised when I kept reaching for more! 😱 it was honestly that addicting. Also really appreciated that the matcha shortbread was not too sweet — perfect for me! Overall great cookies and def a great intro to pudges πŸ˜‹
